The Education Ministry at BOLCC is led by Elder
Wilson Comfort . Our motto at BOLCC is “LEARNING IS GOOD, APPLICATION IS
BETTER”. Education is one of the most challenging areas in Christendom.
Why? Everyone in someway have an idea as to what they think the Bible
says, and what it means, and their interpretation is skewed toward their own
ideologies. Our endeavor through this department is to empower you with
the knowledge of God’s Word so that you will be able to take the passages of
Scripture under study, and weave them into the fibers of practical application
and understanding. This will give you the resources and the ability to
discover what will or will not work in finding the true intent and purpose of
the text under question. Likewise you will be able to rightly divide the
Word of Truth and give a reasonable answer to all that seek understanding as to
what God meant by what He said. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to
God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of
truth.” II Timothy 2:15 (The Holman Student Bible).

The Usher Ministry at BOLCC is led by Sister Lola Alston. The
ministry of welcoming someone into your presence, home, church, etc. should be
one that is accompanied with gladness. The Usher Ministry is the first
and last impression one sees of its church, congregation, and without a doubt,
its Pastor, therefore, we take pride in the leadership and place of worship God
has given us. We sincerely welcome you to attend our services where we know
that you will be able to receive a word from the Lord. “For a day in thy courts
is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of
my God, than to dwell in tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10
(Full Life Study Bible)

Deacons/Mens Ministry-Under development.